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    Ws Entertainment Review(s)

    59 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Claudia Anastasia
    13 May 2024 | Bride at Alvin Wedding

    Best MC & Entertainment!!

    Thank you WS entertainment udah buat wedding reception kita seruuu! thank you ko Wiryaa udah jadi MC kita dan buat jalannya acara selalu terasa hidup dan interaksinya 2 arah sama tamu😆 suka banget dr tata bahasa dan pelafalan suaranya jelas jd kitapun as pengantin gapake ha ho kebingungan🤗 plusss entertainmentnya keren banget gokil! semua request kita dinyanyiin dan aransemennya jd makin asikk! ga nyangka request lagu kpop dinyanyiin live padahal bukan lagu viral, udah expect paling cuma di playback tp ini bikin memorable pas dinyanyiin singernya eye contact ke aku bikin makin terharuuu🥹🥹 thankyou bangett! really recommend WSe buat yg baca dan temen-temen yg mo married

    Vendor Reply

    27 May 2024
    thank you cii claudia buat reviewnya :D
    Stephanie Nadya Roesli
    05 May 2024 | Bride at Hans & Nadya Wedding

    BEST MC EVER!!!!!

    awalnya liat dari IG denger suara Ko Wirya mantap bgt jadi nya milih WS Entertainment 🤣 terus selama technical meeting & ngobrol sama Ko Wirya asik bgt dan super helpful banyak tradisi yang kita kurang paham, tapi dikasih tau latar belakang tradisinya apa. pas di hari acara itu hectic banget, Bride & Groom gabisa fokus mikirin acara, tapi WS entertainment team bener-bener oke bgt. jadi flow acara bener2 dijaga & ada time keeper nya. pas terjadi hal2 unexpected juga Ko Wirya & team super calm & helpful. jadi nya Bride & Groom ngerasa safe dan bisa trust acaranya fully under control. btw acara ku di resto dan 130 pax. jadi super crowded, but ko wirya can maintain the crowd. tamu-tamu pada bilang acaranya asik banget! I would recommend WS entertainment for anyone looking for MC / related services. I’m a very satisfied customer 🥰 once again thank you ko wirya and team! ♥️

    Vendor Reply

    27 May 2024
    thank you ci nadya buat reviewnya :D
    Febby Karissa
    21 April 2024 | Bride at Lukas & Febby Wedding

    Satisfied Client

    Sangat terbantu oleh WS Entertainment dari Persiapan hingga Acara wedding, timnya juga sangat friendly, sound system juga sangat oke sekali dan MC ngebawain dngn asik bgt selama acara, mungkin bagi temen2 yg lagi cari aku rekomen tim WS utk bisa bantu entertainment di acara wedding kalian

    Vendor Reply

    27 May 2024
    Thank you ci Febby buat reviewnya :D
    Cornelea Agatha
    03 April 2024 | Bride at Harta dan Cornelea Wedding

    WS Entertainment Best!

    Terima kasih untuk semua Tim WS Entertainment. MC dan Entertainmentnya bagus banget serta acara nya bisa berjalan dengan smoothly. Pas briefing benar2 dibantu untuk penjelasan rangkaian acaranya dan MC nyaa sangat informatif🥲🙏. Sekali lagi thank you WS Entertainment, semoga sukses selalu dan semakin dikenal banyak orang✨️

    Vendor Reply

    27 May 2024
    Thank you lea buat reiviewnya :)
    Joseph Soenarjo
    13 March 2024 | Groom at Joseph & Priskila Wedding

    Recommended MC and Entertainment team!

    Dari awal kami buta banget buat pilih MC dan entertainment, terus di recommend WS entertainment oleh WO kami. Pertama kali stalk IG nya, lgsg jatuh cinta. Terasa banget ko Wirya and the team itu very professional. Kita yang buta bener2 di arahkan Ko Wirya. Awalnya udh khawatir suasanya bakalan kaku karena banyakkan tamu orang tua. tapi turns out everybody was very happyyy dan acaranya berjalan asik bgt and everone enjoy the party. Couldnt ask for better MC and entertainment team.. very recommended gaesss

    Vendor Reply

    27 May 2024
    Thank you ko Joseph buat reviewnya :D
    12 March 2024 | Bride at Richard & Crysta Wedding

    Best MC for sangjit!

    Pertama kali di rekomen ko Wirya itu dr wo ku karena bgung bgt mau pilih siapa buat mc di acara sangjit. Aku kontek lah & lgsung deal karena ak percaya rekomendasi dr wo ku. Then ko Wirya bner2 helpful from our preparation days even sampe hari H! Doi bener2 ngerti adat istiadat buat sangjit gt & sabar bgt nuntun kita buat isi baki2 an. Oiya ko Wirya tu juga gercep bgt kalo bales chat gais! Jd ga merasa dicuekin & nunggu2 gt loh buat kita bride yg emg butuh kepastian cepet. Turns out on D day, our sangjit run so smooth & perfect! No drama, ko Wirya & his team bener2 ngerti harus ngapain & super helpful even on the day! Suaranya enak didenger pas nge mc & could accomodate our family very good! Dikasih tau harus ngapa2in aja supaya ga kagok & ga bingung harus ngapain karena kan baru pertama kali acara beginian ya. So, buat kalian yg bingung lg cari mc yg high quality, i would recommend ko Wirya for sure! Bakalan di kasih excel jg yg bner2 detailed & jelas kita tu perlu apa aja. Cuss lgsung book ya guis! Thank you ko Wirya for being part of our special day☺️☺️

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Orchestra,  Band,  Duet
    What music genres do you offer?
    Acoustic,  Big band,  Blues,  Orchestra,  Pop,  Jazz
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Orchestra,  Pop,  Jazz
    What services do you offer?
    Rehearsal dinner music,  Ceremony music,  Instrumentals,  MC
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    yes, based on Term & conditions
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    mungkin, namun harus di info sebelum hari H
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    idealnya 6bulan -1 tahun sebelum acara
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    30% sebagai DP, 70% MAX 14 hari sebelum acara
    Entertainment (MC)

    What are the languages that you use?
    English,  Indonesian
    What cultural wedding procession are you most familiar with?
    Do you have a replacement MC in case you become unavailable on the event day?
    yes, l'll give you a replacemant MC
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    6-12 month before the event
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    we can charge based on our package
    What is your usual attire?
    formal and informal attire
    What is your mc style during a wedding?
    smart casual conversation and funny when games sessions to keep your guest engaged and enjoy in the event
    What is your payment terms?
    Term I : 50% After Deal, Term II : 50% H-7 event
    When was your business established?
    i have MC since 2016
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What the different you with another MC ?
    Here are some things that make me different from other mc: 1. As an ex WO, I could provide you with some insightful input for your event 2. I will give you a free consultation and rundown for your sangjit day to cater what you need. 3. Last but not least, I also will provide you with free consultations about your wedding day and all the vendors involved.
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    We provide our services to some cities with the applicable Term and Condition
    Permata Regency, Jl. H. Kelik, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11630 (Depan Hutan Kota Srengseng) 11630

    Professional MC for wedding and sangjit since 2016. We promise to deliver the best service on your special day. Ensuring your event is a success is my duty.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.